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SimCity BuildIttransportation

transportation | SimCity BuildIt


6 results / page
Name Level Time (Min.) Max. Value Mats Used In Description
Airship Hangar Airship Hangar 0 0 0 Simoleons - - Massive metal balloon full of highly flammable gas... What would go wrong?
Balloon Park Balloon Park 0 0 0 Simoleons - - Give your Sims a chance to see your city from the air.
Bus Terminal Bus Terminal 0 0 0 Simoleons - - Helping your Sims get from here to there.
Department of Transportation Department of Transportation 0 0 0 Simoleons - - Address traffic needs to boost the population and happiness.
Heliport Heliport 0 0 0 Simoleons - - Keep your Sims in the air.
London Bus Terminal London Bus Terminal 0 0 0 Simoleons - - This bus terminal provides charming double-decker buses that transport Sims around your city.