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SimCity BuildItDonations for SimCity BuildIt Global Trade Community

Donations | SimCity BuildIt Global Trade

Support your favorite SCBI community

We accept donations for the price of a coffee.

We accept donations for the price of a coffee

Where your donation goes...
Servers, bandwidth, maintenance and our database development.

By submitting donations you agree to the following: Donations as moneys and materials given by private persons and organizations to SimCity BuildIt Global Trade without receiving anything in exchange. Upon helping, you agree that you are NOT entitled to receive any compensation in exchange of the helping you made. Thank you for your interest and support of SimCity BuildIt Global Trade.
Remember that you are not obligated to donate. All donations are final and non-refundable.

Donate for SCBI Global Trade Community via PayPal

Benefits from becoming a Mayor

No more Ads when you visit our website (User Registration Required)
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You'll get a Mayor badge on our forums
Your profile image will get a golden halo around it
You'll gain access to special Mayor rank Discord server (Join our Discord to get your Mayor rank)
And more benefits to come in new years...

You also help us create new resources for you...

Thank you for supporting our SimCity BuildIt Global Trade Community website!