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SimCity BuildItDonut Shop

Donut Shop | SimCity BuildIt

Donut Shop

6 results / page
Name Level Time (Min.) Max. Value Mats Used In Description
Donuts Donuts 18 45 950 Simoleons
- With and without sprinkles.
Green Smoothie Green Smoothie 20 30 1150 Simoleons
- A healthy snack.
Bread Roll Bread Roll 25 60 1840 Simoleons
Ice Cream Sandwich Burgers
Straight out of the oven.
Cherry Cheesecake Cherry Cheesecake 27 90 2240 Simoleons
- Irresistible sweetness.
Frozen Yogurt Frozen Yogurt 28 240 1750 Simoleons
- Comes with a variety of toppings.
Coffee Coffee 33 60 750 Simoleons
- Just Coffee.